
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday: Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine and is meant to showcase upcoming books that you can't wait to read.

My anxiously awaited title this week is:

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
Publish Date: March 6, 2012
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pages: 448
Genre: Dystopia
Audience: Young Adult

From Goodreads: 
Lauren Oliver captivated readers with Delirium, the first book in a thrilling dystopian trilogy in which Lena Haloway dared to fall in love with Alex and escape the cure, the government-mandated procedure that renders a person immune to the disease of love.

Pandemonium continues Lena’s gripping story. After escaping from Portland, Maine, Lena makes it to the Wilds and becomes part of an Invalid community, where she transforms herself into a warrior for the resistance. A future without Alex is unimaginable, but Lena pushes forward and fights, both for him and for a world in which love is no longer considered a disease. Swept up in a volatile mix of revolutionaries and counterinsurgents, Lena struggles to survive—and wonders if she may be falling in love again.

Full of danger, forbidden romance, and exquisite writing, Lauren Oliver’s sequel to Delirium races forward at a breathtaking pace and is sure to appeal to fans who crave the high-stakes action of The Hunger Games and the bittersweet love story of Romeo & Juliet.

I am not someone who likes to re-read books. I just have so many other books on my TBR pile that I don't have the time or inclination to re-read anything. But I read Delirium AND I listened to the audiobook a few months later. This is huge for me. So to say that I'm looking forward to Pandemonium is an understatement. 

Recently Lauren Oliver revealed the paperback edition of Delirium on her blog and I'm happy to see that the same model is on the Pandemonium cover as well. I think this model is a much better representation of what Lena looks like than the hardcover model, in my mind anyway. 

What title are you anxiously awaiting on this week?


  1. I can't wait for Pandemonium but I have to say I love the original cover so much more.

  2. Ah, Pandemonium. I started Delirium but then stopped, because I didn't want to be all angsty knowing that I'd have to wait until the sequel'd be released. xD

    Like both covers, btw. :)

    Anyway, great WOW!


    (Started following you)

  3. I've been curious about these two...and what lovely covers!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Here's MY WOW POST

  4. I'm listening to Delirium right now. It's excellent writing and story make me impatient for the next installment (even though I've just begun).
    Here's my WOW post:
