Monday, January 9, 2012

Pie Day is January 9th (in my classroom anyway), not to be confused with Pi Day on March 14th

Before Christmas, my 6th grade class and I finished reading the book Pie by Sarah Weeks as our read aloud. Not one to pass up an opportunity to celebrate the end of a food-related book with food, I told them that if they made a pie from the book that they could earn some extra credit.

Little did I know how popular of an extra credit project this would be. Thinking that maybe ten kids out of my sixty sixth graders would bring in a pie, I vastly underestimated the power of food as extra credit. We had over half the sixth grade class bring in a pie today. Needless to say there were lots of leftover pies in the teacher's lounge at lunch and the wonderful person who runs the cafeteria was just a tad annoyed with me and all the sixth graders who came down and asked to use her walk-in refrigerator. Oh well. It was a fun project for one day - that I may never do again - or at least amend next year so that I don't have so many leftover pies to deal with.

I thought this one was so pretty it deserved its own picture


  1. So fun! I love that the kids got so into it.

    That star pie is gorgeous! How creative.

    And now I'm hungry for pie, haha.

  2. What a great idea! You sound like a very fun teacher-combining food and reading. My two favorite things!

  3. Oh, how fun! I wish I had these sorts of experiences when I was a kid. Granted that was twenty-five years ago, but still! I, and my friends, would have loved doing this. And that last pie is so pretty!

  4. This is a much better activity than the usual book report. :)

  5. Wow - I am super impressed with the participation and with the idea as well. Good thinking, good teacher!! That last pie is gorgeous. I'll bet at least half the kids will think of the book the next time they see pie.

  6. What a hoot! I love how happy all those kids and pies look!

  7. well, maybe you need a little pie control.
    or more people to eat them!!

  8. I would have loved to have had you for my sixth grade teacher :)

  9. This is wonderful! I think that you should do this again next year, because you see how it motivates the children and that is what it is all about, right :)

  10. omg i would have loved to have been at this event. pies as far as the eye can see. love it!
