My Monday posts are generally just a highlight of what I've been reading during the week so if you'd like to see all that I've been reading, follow my Goodreads page.
Last week I reviewed:

Chasing Before by Lenore Appelhans
Tuesday Tucks Me In by Luis Carlos Montalvan with Bret Witter, photographs by Dan Dion
I finished reading:

Crafting Digital Writing: Composing Texts Across Media and Genres by Troy Hicks
As I read Crafting Digital Writing, the word I kept coming back to was INTENTIONAL. How do we as teachers make digital writing assignments more intentional and how do we help students create more intentional digital lives? The fact that Troy Hicks will continually leave these questions in my head made this book worth the read.
Finished reading with my ears:

Ask the Passengers by A.S. King
The Summer of Letting Go by Gae Polisner
Both of these books were amazing but for different reasons. Ask the Passengers is one of those books that falls under the category of "books save lives." The Summer of Letting Go is just a beautiful, heartfelt story with incredibly endearing characters. It is a summer read with soul.
Graphic Novels I finished:

The Great American Dust Bowl by Don Brown
NYC Basic Tips and Etiquette by Nathan W. Pyle
Well, Since both of these books are nonfiction, I guess I can't call them novels, but that seems to be the catch-all phrase for sequential art books these days, so there you have it. Both the text and the illustrations in The Great American Dust Bowl were extremely compelling and make this book worthy of putting on any social studies teacher's bookshelf. NYC Basic Tips and Etiquette is kind of a graphic novel version of a travel guide but with some voice and humor thrown in for good measure. I kind of dug it.
Picture books I really enjoyed last week:

A Walk in Paris by Salvatore Rubbino
Filled with facts about the City of Light, A Walk in Paris also conveys the stylish spirit of the city in its jaunty illustrations.

Three Bears in a Boat by David Soman
Oh my this book is truly something special. Not only are the illustrations a feast for the senses, but so is the text. Simply enchanting. This one is going on my Goodreads "Caldecott condender" shelf.

Hooray for Hat! by Brian Won
This book is totally endearing and a perfect read to put a smile on your face if you're feeling grumpy.
Currently (still) reading:

Breakfast on Mars: Your Favorite Authors Take a Stab at the Dreaded Essay Assignment edited by Rebecca Stern and Bard Wolfe
Currently reading with my ears:

Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick