My Monday posts are generally just a highlight of what I've been reading during the week so if you'd like to see all that I've been reading, follow my Goodreads page.
The school year is almost over! My 8th graders' last day of school was Friday and they're off to Washington, DC today. Graduation is May 26th. I didn't have to go on the trip to DC so I just have to cover a couple 7th grade classes, so this is going to be an easy week for me. Bonus! I wrote this post on my teaching blog on Saturday to celebrate my students.
Last week I reviewed:

To Teach, the Journey in Comics by William Ayers and Ryan Alexander-Turner
Favorite picture books from last week:

Look, a Book! by Libby Gleeson and Freya Blackwood
Beautiful message about the magic and sacredness of books, no matter your background.

Sea Rex by Molly Idle
Tea Rex is still my favorite of the three books, but Sea Rex comes in a close second. I especially loved when the little boy lay atop T-Rex at the beach and left a little boy sunburn mark on his belly. :)

I Don't Like Koala by Sean Ferrell, illustrated by Charles Santoso
No matter how hard Adam tries to get rid of his creepy stuffed koala, it follows him... Until one day he discovers he might just need Koala after all.

The Island by Armin Greder
Make no mistake: this is not a picture book for children, it is for adults. This chilling allegory will make you examine your own conscience in how you view otherness.

Rad American Women A-Z: Rebels, Trailblazers, and Visionaries Who Shaped Our History... and Our Future by Kate Schatz, illustrated by Miriam Klein Stahl
Fabulous book for the budding feminist. Not only did I feel empowered reading this, but I also felt like I learned something in this ABC collection of rebels, trailblazers, and visionaries because the women featured therein were not your typical Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, and Gloria Steinem that you so often find in anthologies about women change-makers, but instead were mostly about women I had never heard of.

My Cousin Momo by Zachariah OHora
This delightful, humorous book about an eccentric family member coming to visit is one of my new favorites of 2015. I might even be so bold to say it has Caldecott potential. Look for My Cousin Momo in bookstores in June.
Currently reading:

The World on a Plate: 40 Cuisines, 100 Recipes and the Stories Behind Them by Mina Holland
I feel like I'm taking a course on world cuisine from a really knowledgeable, really passionate professor. This is one of those books were Post-it flags won't do. I need to highlight and mark up the text, not just for the beautiful writing, but also new things I'm learning about food. -- and I'm only on page 27!
Currently reading with my ears:

Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen
Solitaire by Alice Oseman
I'm really enjoying both of these so far!
I don't know most of these Picture books, but I agree completely with your take on The Island. It's a book I use when I am doing critical literacy with a group of older students. It has to be unpacked and looked at. I've added My Cousin Momo to my want to read list. I want to have a look at Rad American Women A-Z: Rebels, Trailblazers, and Visionaries Who Shaped Our History... and Our Future before I purchase it, but our library doesn't have it in yet! I've just put in a purchase request. Thanks for the heads up about these great new (to me) titles.
ReplyDeleteMany great books shared here today, Beth. I'll look for most of them, but especially Rad American Women & The Island. The World On A Plate sounds, well, yummy! Thanks for all!
ReplyDeleteThe World on a Plate sounds good. I just ordered a copy for myself. Our K-5 kids are out of school on Friday to give the construction guys free rein. but our MS/HS is in school until June 4. Come see what my week was like here. Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteIntrigued by The Island. Rad American Women sounds too good to be true - I've been waiting for a book like this!
ReplyDeleteInteresting variety of books here! Rad American Women sounds good, and I'm going to check out My Cousin Momo too! Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to get Sea Rex, I've preordered it. My Cousin Momo sounds funny, I'm on hold for that one at the library. The new Dessen also just came in for me at the library. Always so much to read :)
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of The Island, but that oppressive cover and your description intrigue me. Not sure how I missed the Rex books--will have to remedy that soon. I just put the new Sarah Dessen on hold at the library. Really looking forward to that one. Such great comfort reads for me.
ReplyDeleteHi Beth, your books look great! To Teach and I don't like Koala are books I definitely need to check out!
ReplyDeleteBeth - so many new titles for me! I did already know the Koala book - it's hilarious. I have made a note of Look! A Book!, My Cousin Momo and The Island as ones to check out. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteBeth, thanks for this great list with many new titles! I love the Koala book - so funny! I have made a note of Look! A Book!, My Cousin Momo and The Island.
ReplyDeleteI shared Koala today too. What an amusing title. Oh my goodness - My cousin Momo looks like my kind of book. Going to the top of TBR list!
ReplyDeleteI loved your review of To Teach. I will read any book that questions my beliefs, and the fact it is about teaching makes me want it even more. I think I'll ask for that one for Xmas. :) Sorry I didn't stop by yesterday. I had an awful migraine. But I am back! I am going to start Saint Anything next, so we will have to compare notes. ;)
ReplyDeleteAn Australian librarian friend of mine introduced me to Armin Greder and I never looked back since. Read The City too. And The Great Bear - both very powerful reads.