It's Monday! What are you reading? Is a wonderful community of readers, teachers, and librarians. Hosted by Jen over at Teach Mentor Texts along with Kellee and Ricki at Unleashing Readers, participants share their reading adventures from the past week along with their reading plans for the week ahead.
I thought with finally finishing grad school I would have more time for leisure reading. Except I forgot the part about buying a new house and trying to sell our current condo. So yeah. reading continues to remain on the backburner. I did manage to read a few picture books last week though. These are the ones I enjoyed the most:

Mixed Me! by Taye Diggs, illustrated by Shane W. Evans
I loved the illustrations and liked the text for the most part. It lacked cohesion and flow in a few places, but overall I really liked this book.

Little Tree by Loren Long
A beautiful, simple story about knowing when it's time to let go so you can grow.

Mother Bruce by Ryan T. Higgins
Hilarious! A definite must-read to students!
Currently (still) reading:

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys
I have a confession to make: I've only read like 2 pages of this book so far. I need to get serious about reading it, especially because Sepetys is coming to Michigan in February!
Currently (still) reading with my ears:

Connect the Stars by Marisa de los Santos and David Teague
I'm really enjoying this audiobook so far. I love the dual narrators.