It's Monday! What are you reading? Is a wonderful community of readers, teachers, and librarians. Hosted by Jen over at Teach Mentor Texts along with Kellee and Ricki at Unleashing Readers, participants share their reading adventures from the past week along with their reading plans for the week ahead.
My Monday posts are generally just a highlight of what I've been reading during the week so if you'd like to see all that I've been reading, follow my Goodreads page.
Last week's posts:

Interview with Audrey Vernick, author of The Kid from Diamond Street
The Mechanical Mind of John Coggin blog tour + giveaway
Last week I finished reading with my ears:

The Doldrums by Nicholas Gannon
Full review coming soon!
Favorite picture books last week:

What is Punk? by Eric Morse, illustrated by Anny Yi
Fabulous intro to punk music and culture using rhyming verse and clay illustrations

Breathe by Scott Magoon
Spare yet profound text brings in lessons of mindfulness, taking risks, and enjoying life. The gentle, friendly illustrations give the reader a sense of inner peace and stillness. Definitely a must-read.

Diana's White House Garden by Elisa Carbone, illustrated by Jen Hill
Wonderful story of the young girl who helped tend the White House Victory Garden during World War II. Makes you wonder why more of us don't have our own gardens. I'm glad to see the movement of community gardens returning.

Dog and Bear: Two Friends, Three Stories by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Lovers of Elephant and Piggie are sure to draw comparisons to Dog and Bear, two unlikely but adorable friends.
Still Reading:

The Memory of Things by Gae Polisner
I could have finished this last night, but I was tired and didn't want to fall asleep reading it. I want to give this beautiful story my full, undivided attention. So I will likely finish it today.
Currently reading with my ears:

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
Even though I'm listening to this on audio, I also have a physical copy from the library so I can take notes on important points I want to always remember and be able to reference in the future.
I'm always looking for stories that might appeal to the little Elephant and Piggie fans at my library. :)
ReplyDeleteMany that sound good, Beth. I'll look for Dog and Bear, and especially Breathe. I have The Memory of Things, too, will start soon. Thanks for the garden book, too!
ReplyDeletewhat is punk is now on my list of Christmas books. I have a friend with a two year old who will love it, even if her daughter doesn't. I've just got The Memory of Things from netgalley and am looking forward to starting it.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to start Gae's new book! I've been waiting a long time for it.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to your review of The Doldrums!
Breathe looks like it would make a great gift for my daughter as she heads to college. I'm always reminding her to breathe.
ReplyDeleteI just got a copy of The Memory of Things on NetGalley, and I am psyched. I look forward to it!
ReplyDeleteI wish Brene read Daring Greatly herself--I really enjoy her voice and narration style. I loved The Power of Vulnerability, which may only be available as an audio (it's a presentation she gave). I just started Rising Strong, but think I ought to read Daring Greatly first. I really love Seeger's Dog and Bear stories. Just wonderful!
ReplyDeleteReserved Breathe from our library. :) Love the look of Doldrums as well.