It's Monday! What are you reading? Is a wonderful community of readers, teachers, and librarians. Hosted by Jen over at Teach Mentor Texts along with Kellee and Ricki at Unleashing Readers, participants share their reading adventures from the past week along with their reading plans for the week ahead.
My Monday posts are generally just a highlight of what I've been reading during the week so if you'd like to see all that I've been reading, follow my Goodreads page.
I recently reviewed:

I haven't written a full-length review in a while. Yesterday I read Islandborn by Junot Diaz and was completely spellbound and immediately sat down to write about it.
Picture books that stood out in the pile last week:

When a Wolf is Hungry by Christine Naumann-Villemin, illustrated by Kris DiGiacomo
This is one of those books that really makes you think. What DOES it take to change someone’s heart?

Waiting for Goliath by Antje Damm
It's like Waiting for Godot... but not.

Festival of Colors by Kabir and Srishtha Sehgal, illustrated by Vashti Harrison
A bright, vibrant book about the bright, vibrant festival of Holi, which celebrates "inclusiveness, new beginnings, and the triumph of good over evil.”

I Am Loved by Nikki Giovanni, illustrated by Ashley Bryan
My only criticism is that it wasn't longer.

The New LiBEARian by Alison Donald, illustrated by Alex Willmore
An adorable story where reality and imagination hold hands with each other. |