It's Monday! What are you reading? Is a wonderful community of readers, teachers, and librarians. Hosted by Jen over at Teach Mentor Texts along with Kellee and Ricki at Unleashing Readers, participants share their reading adventures from the past week along with their reading plans for the week ahead.
My Monday posts are generally just a highlight of what I've been reading during the week so if you'd like to see all that I've been reading, follow my Goodreads page.
Well... this has been a week. And it looks like I'll be getting more time to read for the next few weeks. How's your social distancing going?
Here's what I've been reading lately...

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi
I’m grateful to Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi for the difficult journey they are taking young people and educators on in this important book. In it, they help readers see how racism is a system that our country has been building on since before its inception. This book helps the reader see how our racist history continues to impact our present and compels us to change the future. |

When the Babies Came to Stay by Christine McDonnell, illustrated by Jeanette Bradley
This book is funny, heartwarming, and delightfully quirky. When four babies show up on an island with no explanation for how they got there, the town librarian raises them like her own. But they also belong to the island, as a harbormaster, ferryman, fisherman, and mayor all have a hand in taking care of them. Proving it takes a village to raise a child. Or in this case, an island. |

Night Animals Need Sleep Too by Gianna Marino
Even funnier than the original.

The Bear in My Family by Maya Tatsukawa
A little boy thinks his older sibling is really a bear, which starts out as a bad thing, but maybe it's actually not as bad as he thinks.

The Seedling That Didn't Want to Grow by Britta Teckentrup
We all grow at our own pace and in our own due time.
Currently Reading...
I can't tell you because it's top secret Walden Award reading. You'll find out who the winner is very soon.