Monday, August 30, 2021

It's Monday! What are you reading? 8-30-21


It's Monday! What are you reading? Is a wonderful community of readers, teachers, and librarians. Hosted by Jen over at 
Teach Mentor Texts along with Kellee and Ricki at Unleashing Readers, participants share their reading adventures from the past week along with their reading plans for the week ahead.

My Monday posts are generally just a highlight of what I've been reading during the week so if you'd like to see all that I've been reading, follow my Goodreads page.

Last week was the start of the school year and I began year 15 back in the library:

I also got some amazing books that arrived on my front porch:

Watch on TikTok

And this was by far the best bookmail that arrived last week:

Amanda Gorman writes a moving testament to inclusivity and embracing change. This beautiful story begins with one young girl playing her song with just a guitar, and as the story progresses, many different faces, voices, and instruments join her as a reminder that our diversity is what makes us great.

Currently (still) reading: 

Currently (still) reading with my ears:
Black Enough edited by Ibi Zoboi

One last thing: I posted this last week, but it deserves another mention... if you are a teacher or librarian and have created an Amazon wishlilst for your classroom that is filled with books, I would encourage you to see if your local independent bookstore (if you have one) has a wishlist feature on their website and create one with them. While I am an Amazon affiliate, I also recognize the importance of supporting independent bookstores and so I created a wishlist on my local indie's website, Nicola's Books. Nicola's has been a fixture in my community and has hosted many wonderful author events over the years. Not to mention they are a five minute drive from my house, so I can get the books I need in less time than it would take for Amazon Prime to deliver it to my house. 

Anyway, that's just a thought. I know not everyone has a local independent bookstore in their community.  

Monday, August 23, 2021

It's Monday! What are you reading? 8-23-21

It's Monday! What are you reading? Is a wonderful community of readers, teachers, and librarians. Hosted by Jen over at 
Teach Mentor Texts along with Kellee and Ricki at Unleashing Readers, participants share their reading adventures from the past week along with their reading plans for the week ahead.

My Monday posts are generally just a highlight of what I've been reading during the week so if you'd like to see all that I've been reading, follow my Goodreads page.

Hello, friends! I hope you all are safe and healthy as another pandemic school year begins. I'm excited to be back in the library this year, as I went back to teaching 8th grade English last year out of necessity. 

Here's what I've been up to in my reading the past few weeks:

TikTok Book Talks:

A Boy Named Isamu
Watch on TikTok
A picture book biography of Bob Ross

I recently read and enjoyed:
The Genius Under the Table by Eugene Yelchin
Eugene (Yevgeny) Yelchin grew up under the oppressive communist regime in Soviet Russia and this is his memoir of his childhood growing up in a communal apartment with one of his neighbors being an informant to the KGB and the pressure his parents put on him to have a talent that would eventually help give his family some upward mobility.

When Lola Visits by Michelle Sterling, illustrated by Aaron Asis
A young girl's grandmother (lola) visits from the Philippines and she thinks about all the ways she knows it's summer, particularly the way summer smells. A wonderful mentor text to use with students about sensory writing.

Isobel Adds It Up by Kristy Everington, illustrated by A.G. Ford
Isobel loves math and loves doing her homework, but her new noisy neighbors are making that difficult for her. So one day she decides you can catch more flies with honey and sends them a letter. What she discovers next soon surprises her...

A lovely and fun story about the power of dealing with conflict head-on.

Not Little by Maya Myers, illustrated by Hyewon Yum
Dot may be small and have a small name but she's not little. One day she meets a new student in her class who may be even smaller than her. Sam gets picked on by another student and she decides she will have none of that...

Currently reading: 

Currently reading with my ears:
Black Enough edited by Ibi Zoboi

One last thing: if you are a teacher or librarian and have created an Amazon wishlilst for your classroom that is filled with books, I would encourage you to see if your local independent bookstore (if you have one) has a wishlist feature on their website and create one with them. While I am an Amazon affiliate, I also recognize the importance of supporting independent bookstores and so I created a wishlist on my local indie's website, Nicola's Books. Nicola's has been a fixture in my community and has hosted many wonderful author events over the years. Not to mention they are a five minute drive from my house, so I can get the books I need in less time than it would take for Amazon Prime to deliver it to my house. 

Anyway, that's just a thought. I know not everyone has a local independent bookstore in their community.